Middle School Community Outreach

We embrace a spirit of gratitude, and understand that we are called to serve others. St. Therese School aims to build socially aware students that grow into engaged, conscientious community leaders.
Here are ways our students have been called to service in the past year:
- 29,160 = Meals packed for Feed My Starving Children. We made a difference in the lives of 79 children, whom we fed for one year!
- 171= Christmas Boxes packed for families in need at Sharing & Caring Hands and in conjunction with a Christmas Box Project for Mary’s Place. Providing basic essentials (blankets, toothbrush, soap, etc.) to our community. STS families donate the many necessities, while students pack, pray over and deliver these critical basics during the holiday season.
- 180 =Blessing Bags packed for the homeless during our St. Therese Feast Day celebration
- Other organizations we’ve helped through monetary support or food collections:
- Franciscan Brothers of Peace
- The local ICA Food Shelf
- Minnetonka Life Resources