Elementary Science-STEM

Our universe and everything in it is amazing! At St Therese School, we encourage students to be curious about the world God created for us. We devise as many opportunities as possible to “live” science by emphasizing hands-on experience. Whether it’s tapping maple trees in our DNR Certified woods or conducting a controlled experiment in our science lab, we seek understanding by doing. These lessons increase the likelihood of retention and comprehension for all our students.
Varied topics, such as monarch butterflies, pollination and bees, maple sap production, and the significance of water are taught across all grade levels. Computer coding is introduced to all students using web resources such as Code.org and hands-on supplies like Finch robots. Children’s literature, visits to the school forest and Outdoor Learning Classroom, guest speakers, and field trips are employed at all ages to bring a greater depth of knowledge and understanding to topics taught in class.
In Grades K-5, we use the Core Knowledge Sequence of Science standards. This means the human body, plants, weather and meteorology, electricity and magnetism, astronomy, geology, simple machines, food and nutrition, ecology, taxonomy, cycles of life(plant/animal/water), environments, cells, and matter. By revisiting each topic across the elementary years, we are able to delve deeper into each subject. Engineering is Elementary (EiE) kits are utilized to introduce the engineering design process and the many fields of engineering to the students. K-3 students visit the science classroom twice a week, and 4-5th grade students have class three times a week. The 4-5th graders enjoy an overnight learning adventure at either the Science Museum of MN or the MN Zoo.