Elementary Virtue Houses

Each month, our students study a specific virtue that St. Therese School values as foundational for living a Christ-like life. Additionally, these nine virtues provide the names for each “Virtue House.”
At the start of the school year, students and teachers are randomly placed into a Virtue house that is lead by an 8th-grader and teacher. Approximately 12 students from each grade, PreK-8th grade, are placed in a “house”. Older students rise to the challenge and serve as leaders among their Virtue House. These groups build their own smaller community, creating a safe and nurturing environment for students to get to know one another and make connections with students in other grades.
On feast days, when we gather as a school community, or on special occasions when we celebrate as a school - we do so in our Virtue Houses.
A 4th-grade student recently reflected on his Virtue House in this way…”My Virtue House is my school family. Being a part of a Virtue House makes my school just a little smaller, like a family.”