Prayer for St. Therese School
Heavenly Father,
we praise you for the gift of
St. Therese School.
Bless our students, parents, teachers, and staff.
May St. Therese always be a place
where your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ,
is celebrated, lived, and loved.
Pour out the Holy Spirit on our students
so they may grow in faith, wisdom, and service.
Give us the courage
to be joyful witnesses of the Gospel,
and may our joy attract many,
filling our school to capacity.
Help us to be like our great patroness,
St. Thérèse of Lisieux,
who did little things with great love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
“Believe me, don’t wait until tomorrow
to begin becoming a saint.”
St. Thérèse: Age 15