Studies prove that parental involvement is the #1 indicator of a child’s academic achievement.
We invite you to volunteer your time and talents to St. Therese School. We appreciate your commitment to helping our students become the individuals that God intended.
All volunteers who work with children must participate in our Safe Environment Program.
School Programs
Mentor Family Program: Provide a personal connection to a new STS family and the school community. Your knowledge of the "nuts and bolts" of STS is invaluable to an incoming family. Help answer questions and share information.
Bravo: Present classical and American music to students in grades K-4. Bravo
enhances an understanding and enjoyment of music. There are six sessions
presented per school year; materials and training are provided.
Partners in Art: Introduce grade K-5 students to master works of art. This arts appreciation program is created by the Minnesota Institute of Art with various pieces celebrating a common theme. Training and materials are provided.
School Advisory Committee:
The School Advisory Council steers the pastor and principal in matters concerning the school, including policies and procedures.
Current Committee Members: Rob Burke, Gail Dorn, Mark Hansberry, Erin Kyle, Jenni Lilledahl, John Sweeney, Lauren Caton (Principal) and Fr. Andrie
Parent Teacher Organization
The PTO serves as a liaison between parents, teachers and administrators. A key purpose is to organize volunteer support for a variety of school-wide activities. Parents are always welcome to attend the PTO meetings which are held the second Tuesday of each month (7:30 a.m.) in the school conference room.
Current Board Members: Debbie Trent, Casey Bergquist, Erica Carlson, Amy Crowther,
Karolina Kasbi
Marketing Committee
The mission of the marketing committee is to increase enrollment by marketing to the broader community and within the parish. This team meets monthly to strategize, plan and execute marketing tactics. We welcome all; meetings are held the second Monday of each month (7:30 a.m.) in the school conference room.
Current Board Members: Tracy Gilbert, Katie Sullivan, Jane Friedrich, Tessia Melvin,
Amanda Keplin, Lisa Schade