After School Enrichment

St. Therese School offers a wide range of after-school enrichment opportunities for all ages and interests. Whether your student is curious about the world of robotics or is the next great chef, we have fabulous after-school options to meet your student’s interests. We are blessed with an early dismissal, allowing students time to take advantage of on-campus after-school enrichment immediately after school.
Each fall, winter and spring, course catalogs are distributed and students may sign-up for a variety of activities. Many change from season to season to keep students engaged and meet the changing interests of our students.
Students from K-8th grade are welcome to participate in after-school enrichment classes. Most classes have a suggested age range, but we ensure all age groups have plenty of great options to chose from.
We partner with outside experts to bring fun and engaging classes into St. Therese, and they dictate the way in which sign-up is completed. Typically registration is completed online or using a paper registration at the back of the course catalog. Costs also vary by length of the class (Number of weeks) and provided materials.